Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Find Myself find myself today in such a better mood than as of late. Not that I've been in a bad mood, just been kind of feeling like I've been floating through life kinda humdrum. Make sense?? Anyway, I read in my devotions today and I'm amazed at the unconditional love of God. Time after time, after time, the Israelites continue to do wrong and God continued to lift them up, dust them off and allow them to try again. Somedays, I feel like I need picked up, dusted off, clean up my bumps, bruises and scrapes, and then put back up on my feet to try again. So, I find myself AMAZED that God would love someone that He has to constantly pick up. Someone that continues to mess up. Wouldn't you think that He would get tired of doing this and at one point and say..."ok that's enough, I'm not picking you up're to much of a hassle." Not a chance. He's SO MUCH BIGGER THAN THAT !! He's a God of a BAZILLION chances. All that He asks is that you love and worship only Him. IT'S COMPLETELY AMAZING !! That is what I strive to do and worship only HIM. Whether it is through listening to music on the way to work or whether it's through all my daily duties. Sitting here at work at my desk, meeting the people on the phone and coming through the door. I try to be Jesus to everyone I meet. God never promised it would be easy. He just promises to be there to pick you up when ever you fall. NEVER TO LEAVE YOU.....ALWAYS BY MY SIDE !!. So, thank you Father for picking me up.....for giving musicians words that speak to me on my way to work or wherever while in my car.

My prayer has always and will continue to be......"May YOU increase and I decrease". May others see Jesus when they see me......and not ME.

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