Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Ok so, I'm going to New York City this weekend. Leaving Thursday afternoon to be a chaparone on my son's field trip. AM I NUTS ????? Helping to keep 100 teenagers in check ???? What ???? Good thing I've been to New York MANY times before.....atleast I have that going for me. AAAAAHHHHHHHH !!!! (ok got that out of the way) Now it's time for fun !!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Big Day

So today is a big day for our daughter. She turned 18 today. She's not making any big deal about it at all. I think I'm more energetic about it than she is at this point. It's so funny. She opened a checking account and got a debit card all her own today. Very cool.....now comes the learning how to be responsible with her own money. She's done very well so far but a debit card/checking account is a whole new ball game.

On another note.....I start full time at my job on Monday 16th. I'm so excited. Even more exciting....they gave me another raise !!! WOOOHOOOO !!! I still feel, at this point, that my job is really not helping to much financially....but hopefully it will soon. God's gotta plan in here somewhere. I'm looking forward to watching it all unfold !!

Wow...I needed the sunshine today !! Now they say snow over the weekend???? Geeeezzzzz

Monday, April 9, 2007

Random Thoughts

Ok....been thinking alot about my life lately. I'm in shock a bit I think. Our daughter turns 18 on Friday. I don't feel old enough to have an 18 year old daughter. Am I supposed to be feeling older???? I turn 40 this June. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH !!! I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. Otherthan, it's just another birthday???? Or maybe I'm trying not to think about that one right now. Can you say DENIAL ???? Who knows.....Oh yea, one more thing......BRING ON THE SUNSHINE AND HEAT WHAT IS UP WITH ALL THE COLD AND SNOW ???? (welcome to Ohio)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Well ??

Have you ever had one of those days???


I'm so grateful to God for his unconditional love !! I have been really praying for God to take complete control of every little thing in my life. Sometimes I think that I can handle my emotions etc......then I come to the end of myself and realize that God has had, and will always have complete control over EVERYTHING. Why do I try to take care of life by myself ??? Anyway with that said....I will always be a work in progress. So, I strive on to meet with my God every morning before I even start my day so that I have my perspective in the right place at the start. So....THANK YOU FATHER FOR YOUR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE !!