Monday, December 31, 2007

New Job

So.....I'm happy to announce that Doug will be starting a new job on January 14th. He will be working at Union Hospital in their Bio Medical Maintenance department. We are so excited. The hours are great (7am-330pm) and no more traveling away from home. This is the job that his dad retired from so many years ago, and the job Doug has wanted pretty much since we've been married. So, it's been a long time coming ...... God is so good !! Thanks to all of you who have been prayer warriors along side us for this request . Love you all so very much !!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Ok so....I've always loved the Drummer Boy Christmas song. I can remember one of my favorite movies at Christmas time to this day is "The Little Drummer Boy". You remember.....the claymation version. Well, when you're sons grow up to be drummers, it give this song a WHOLE NEW MEANING. I've found myself recently singing this song with my sons in mind and CRYING !! The words are so awesome !! God has blessed them with this incredible gift of music through drums and I'm so AMAZED everytime I watch them and listen to them playing their drumset here at home. I watched them last night offer their gifts up to their God and it ROCKED. I cried like a proud MAMA.....I'm allowed to do that. Ha, ha, ha. (they even asked before I watched if I was gonna cry.... I was like .... "of course, that's what I do". But, not only because I am a proud parent but because their hearts were giving their gifts back to the one who gave it to them, GOD !!

P.S. Our sons are on the drums that are lit with pink....and Doug is completely to the right on a 55 gallon drum.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Healing and a Merry Christmas

Ok so the healing process is coming along well. I'm out of my sling YEEEAAAHHHH!!!!! Some movements still send shock waves of pain but we'll work through that no problem !!

So here I sit thinking about all my friends and family that are away from OHIO....I miss you all so much. Wish you the best Christmas ever !! Love you all so very much !!!

Monday, December 3, 2007


So, if you haven't already heard I put my bike down 2 weeks ago, Nov 20th. Rain+loose gravel+left turn=disaster. Anyway, I fractured my right Scapula (right shoulder blade) and a few ribs. NOT FUN.....painful of course. But, I'm ok and am healing. My pride is a bit hurt but, that is healing to. Sometimes I think I'm physically invincible. Hopefully my bike will be fixed within the next 2 weeks. Not that I will ride in the COLD !!! But, hey maybe God will bring on a 60 degree, dry day again in the middle of January.....this is Ohio you could happen. So do the holidays have you all in a frantic pace as much as they do me?? Where did the summer go??? I love Christmas....the family times....the food....the FUN, FUN, FUN !!!! Oh yea and.....THE FOOD !!! I'm looking forward to the relaxing times that the holiday brings. It's just this frantic....running around like a chicken with it's head cut off that drives me nuts. (yes I've seen a chicken run around with it's head cut's not a pretty sight, especially if it's chasing your little brother around your grandma's back yard) Well, anyway I hope that your Christmas Holiday finds you all in good health and in good spirits. Love you all so much !!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

One Flaw In Women

One Flaw In Women

By the time the Lord made woman, He was into his sixth day of working overtime. An angel appeared and said, 'Why are you spending so much time on this one?' And the Lord answered, 'Have you seen my spec sheet on her? She has to be completely washable, but not plastic, have over 200 movable parts, all replaceable and able to run on diet coke and leftovers, have a lap that can hold four children atone time, have a kiss that can cure anything from scraped knee to a broken heart -and she will do everything with only two hands.' The angel was astounded at the requirements.'Only two hands!? No way! And that's just on the standard model? That's too much work for one day. Wait until tomorrow to finish.' 'But I won't,' the Lord protested. 'I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart. She already heals herself when she is sick AND can work 18 hour days.' The angel moved closer and touched the woman. 'But you have made her so soft, Lord.' 'She is soft,' the Lord agreed, 'but I have also made her tough. You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish.' 'Will she be able to think?', asked the angel. The Lord replied, 'Not only will she be able to think, she will be able to reason and negotiate.' The angel then noticed something, and reaching out, touched the woman's cheek.'Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this model. I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one.' 'That's not a leak,' the Lord corrected, 'that's a tear!' 'What's the tear for?' the angel asked. The Lord said, 'The tear is her way of expressing her joy, her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment,her love, her loneliness, her grief and her pride.' The angel was impressed. 'You are a genius, Lord. You thought of everything! Woman is truly amazing.' And she is! Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. They fight for what they believe in. They stand up to injustice. They don't take 'no' for an answer when they believe there is a better solution. They go without so their family can have. They go to the doctor with a frightened friend. They love unconditionally. They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards. They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding. Their hearts break when a friend dies. They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left. They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart. Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you. The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning. They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion and ideals. They give moral support to their family and friends. Women have vital things to say and everything to give. HOWEVER, IF THERE IS ONE FLAW IN WOMEN, IT IS THAT THEY FORGET THEIR WORTH.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


2005 Kawasaki Ninja EX500R

MY NEW RIDE !!! Can you believe it ?? It's so much fun !!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Why is Life so Busy??

Why is life so busy?? I don't remember being this busy when I was growing up....I mean my parents were always home. My mom never had to have a job. My dad's job allowed him to be home by 4pm every evening. It was time around the dining room table at 8pm every night. You know....a great amount of family time with your parents and your siblings. I'm very fortunate to have grown up with great christian parents that led me to the Lord at an early age. I'm trying my best to do that as well. I guess I get a little discouraged when those times seem to be few and far between, due to the business of life. A life where both parents have to work just to make ends meet, and even then it's hard to keep food on the table. God never promised our life to be an easy one. For that I am grateful, because it forces me to be dependent on God for EVERYTHING !! Even producing the time that you get to spend with your family. I'm finding out as our kids get older (3 are teenagers) that they all start going their seperate ways with their friends. Making those special family times even more few and far between. I have found myself praying for that Godly hedge of protection around our family more now than ever before. I was once told that Satan keeps you busy so that you have less time with God. I hate that part of life. But, I also look at it as a time to plant my feet firm on the foundation of Jesus Christ and press on towards that mark that He has set before me. So I find myself sitting here, thanking God for the times that I do have with my family and friends. You know, the times when your children wrap their arms around you and say "I love you Mom." The times when Doug wraps his arms around me and tells me "I love you Babe" Those times my friends call or email and tell me "Hey I was just thinking about you and miss you." Those times are so precious to me. Those are the little gifts from God I love so much !!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Ok...I'm officially a Motorcycle Babe. I got my endorsement over the weekend. Now just gotta save some money for the ride. Ha, Ha

Monday, September 17, 2007

Teddy Bear Run Part 2

Here's what I'm talking about......All these bikes and the ones around the corner. They circled all the way around the building. What a fantastic sound when they are all running at the same time !!

Then of course you need someone crazy enough to be a cheerleader to get them all pumped up and ready to go ....... REALLY LOUD !!! Me and Beth opted for that job. One of the HOG members lent me a scarf to swing around to help out. What a fun time. Wish you all could have been there with me !!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Teddy Bear Run

Ok so....I don't usually have to work on Sundays, but today was an exception. All I have to say about today is WOW... If you have never heard or seen 500+ Harley Davidson motorcycles (there were other makes as well not only Harleys) all in one gathering, it's something to behold !!! Especially when they start them all up at the same time
So, it's definitely something all my fellow Harley enthusiaists have to see and experience.....if you haven't already.
More to come later........

Monday, September 10, 2007


Ok all my blogger friends. Here's what's happening with me. Working 40+ hours at the dealership. Coming home to make dinner, go to bed and get up and do it all over again !! So, there's my life in a nut shell.

Our Labor Day weekend was fun. Did alot of eating with family. FUN TIMES !!

Got to sing in KidStuf the weekend of Sept. 1st. That was fun. Looking forward to the next time.

Not much else happening. I'll blog again as soon as I can.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ginger Peach Tea

Oh my goodness....can I tell you how much I LOVE GINGER PEACH ICED TEA !!! I've made 2 pitchers just in the last 2 kidding. My family helped drink the first pitcher, so I had to make another, of course. So what have I been up to you ask???? WORK, WORK, WORK 40+ hours a week. Roman leaves for Band Camp in the morning and will be gone all week. Syrena has her first job interview this Tuesday at Bath & Body Works in the mall. (that almost makes me want to go back there so I can work with her) CJ and Manny are playing the Nintendo Wii EVERYDAY. That thing is so much fun !! CJ is such a riot, I swear he is going to grow up to be a great comedian someday. HE CRACKS ME UP !! So, we're doing pretty well. Just trying to spend every waking moment that we are not working, with our kids. Family time is sometimes a little TO RARE. With the kids getting older and getting jobs and spending more time with friends our schedules are in conflict. THAT REALLY SUCKS !! But, we have fun when we do get together. We went to the races this Saturday night, we have so much fun there. We're ordering pizza and watching a movie in a few minutes. THESE ARE THE TIMES THAT I LOVE SO MUCH !! Soooooooo......bring on the Family and the Ginger Peach Ice Tea !!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Ok thanks alot Danny and Tina .....I've been tagged twice. So here it goes.....The RANDOM eight....

1. I'm the oldest out of 6 kids.....4 girls and 2 boys.

2. I was known as the QUIETEST kid in school. For those that know me now this is probably quite the shocker !!

3. My favorite color is PURPLE.

4. I used to drag race when I was ALOT younger (high school) in my 1976 Chevy Camaro. Kids now adays would call it "street racing" you know like "The Fast and the Furious"?? I never lost a race so there are alot of BOYS out there that have to say they got beat by a girl !!! HA, HA,HA

5. I was kissed by SHAMU at Sea World in Aurora, Ohio when I was 15.

6. I was a Runway/Print model for 10 years out of my life.

7. I've sang for my Lord and Savior since I was 5 years old.

8. My dream has always been to own my own horse ranch.....I LOVE HORSES !!!

The Rules:

1.Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
2. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
3. Players should tag 2-8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.

I tag.....Rhonda, Doug I would tag more....but I think everyone else I know has been tagged atleast once. HAVE FUN WITH THIS !!

Just Sitting Here

Just sitting here thinking of the word "AMAZED". So my good buddy Webster says....amazed: to fill with wonder, to show or cause astonishment. So now I'm sitting here contemplating on amazed. How amazed I always am at what God is capable of doing. Why do I ever try to do things on my own? You know what I mean? Analyzing everything that life throws at you....then you replay different ways of solving your problems, when all along God is speaking to you so SOFTLY to wait on him. He has the answer for you, you just have to WAIT. Maybe I should be thinking/contemplating on the work WAIT????? Wait....Wait....Wait.... I would just rather be hit in the head with the answer sometimes. You know....just crystal clear answers. Ok, sorry got off there for a moment.....reeling back in now....Amazed......So here is what I've found and I find this so very cool. "Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told. Habakkuk 1:5
Soooooo there you have it......even in the old testament God is saying STAND BACK AND WATCH WHAT I CAN DO !! I love this.... So here i sit amazed at what God has already done and that he promises to do so much more before the end of my days. This is so very cool.

Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, "We have seen remarkable things today." Luke 5:26

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Soooo..... is generally busy as ever. But God never seizes to amaze me in every way. Just looking at nature right now and listening to the pouring rain/thunder yesterday. It's just so entirely cool. I've been ever mindful of everything/everyone around me lately. Words that come from my children's mouths. Just everything. I'm grateful to God for the life He's given me and the family/friends that He has blessed me with. Soooooo....if you are a part of my family or one of my best friends (Tina/Rhonda). I just want to say that I love you all so very much and I look at what God is doing in our lives and I'm amazed and excited about the spiritual growth and the adventures ahead. Sooooo....ROCK ON !!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Is anyone out there as tired as I am?? I mean physically/emotionally/mentally etc. Just all around TIRED !! So this is what I do when I am extremely tired......get into the word and look for strength from the ONLY ONE that can give it to me !!

Psalm 8
1 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.

2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.

3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,

4 what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?

5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.

6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet:

7 all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field,

8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.

9 O LORD, our Lord,how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Kings ???

Ok so let me say.....I've been reading my one year bible everyday.....I'm in the middle of the "Kings". All I have to say is....are there any kings out there that have ever done anything other than "what is evil in God's sight" ????? OH MY GOOOOOODNESSSSS. I'm amazed at how many times the bible has recorded and it says that king so and so did what was evil in God's sight. He gave them chance after chance after chance and they still got it all wrong. So at this point I'm looking at life (my life) and saying "what would God say about me" ? If someone was recording what happened in my life for others to read THOUSANDS of years later, what would it say?? HOW CONVICTING IS THAT?!?! WOW !!! I've got alot of work to do !! Anyone else out there that can relate???? So that's where I'm at right about you???

Friday, June 22, 2007

Birthday Wishes

Thank you all so very much for all the birthday wishes !!!! If you didn't already know.....I turned 40 today. I'm totally ok with this's just another number. But, I've been surrounded by my family/friends (via, email, texting, voicemail and even good ol' US Postal Service) as well as here at home as I'm typing this. My oldest son is WHAILING on the guitar in the living room......PS2 Guitar Hero the classic rock-n-roll is VERY LOUD in here. I would have it NO OTHER WAY !!!! Are you kidding.....if it's to loud, you're to old !!! HA,HA,HA. Well, I'll blog more when I get time. Gotta go get some ZZZZZ's before work tomorrow.

Friday, May 4, 2007

New York

WOW..... what can I say about New York. We had so much fun etc that I think I slept the WHOLE DAY away this past Sunday. (Roman to) Anyway, we went to see "Legally Blonde" a musical on broadway. WOWOWOWOWOWOW !!! It was amazing.....SO MUCH FUN !! Very funny !! The band played in Battery Park on Friday....IT RAINED THE WHOLE DAY !! It was very disappointing (the rain I mean). Everyone was pretty much soaked the whole day. We still visited Ellis Island. In all my visits to New York I've never visited Ellis Island. So that was so very cool. The imigration building is very FASCINATING. Oh I forgot.....before getting on the ferry to go over to the island. I experienced an issue with the police. VERY EMBARASSING I MUST SAY !! There was a security check before getting on the ferry. At which they had signs up that said to unload pockets, take off jackets, belts, etc. and a big sign that said "NO KNIVES". Anyway I went along in the line watching everyone unpack ALLLLLLL their stuff and as I'm standing there I realize I have something in my purse that could cause a box cutter knife. I use it at work everyday to open/cut down boxes of new merchandise etc. So I'm like...."Oh my gosh". I look at my friend her by name and she looks at my face and says..."what's wrong?". I proceeded to tell her I had my box cutter in my purse....."oh crap" she says. Of course I'm surrounded by teenagers that are hearing everything I just said .... they are now watching how I'm going to handle this whole situation. So I proceed to go through the check out, of course they stop me and ask if I have a knife, I inform them it's not a knife..... it's a box cutter (like that really makes a difference if you've ever seen my "box cutter") Anyway.... moving on.... They take my "knife" and escort me to the policeman on duty. He opens up my "knife" , then asks if the razor blade comes out (after he tries it a few times)...."sure could I show you?" he says "ok". Then says "I'll keep this and you can have your "tool" back. "Cool" I say and proceed to turn to walk away and there stands my friend .... the band director right next to me. (really he is a friend, we went to school together) He looks at me and I say...."what are you over here for?" He says, "I just didn't want you to have to do this alone". Cool. Roman on the other hand didn't even know....didn't see anything at all until I told him what funny is that??? So that was all the excitement I needed for that day. Very funny stuff. I"m sure I'll never live that one down for a while. The next day (Saturday) was alot better. Except that Roman woke up sick. So on the way to his room to pack him for our trip home (we were checking out of the hotel and then touring the city before coming home) I met up with our band director in the elevator. He puts his hand on my shoulder and says " We need to talk" I was like "I know, Roman is sick this morning....I'm going up there to check on him and pack him etc." Jeff proceeds to say ....."So, tell me about the service elevators". OH NOOOOOOOO.......WOOOOOPS ! (you see the night before, me and one of my friends and 2 of the girls one of which was her daughter didn't want to wait for the main elevators and there weren't any others around and I just happened to have SCOPED the service elevators out the night we got know in just such an emergency?) So I was like..."woops sorry for that, that probably wasn't the best "chaparone" thing to do" So, there again a little embarassing, but ENTIRELY HILARIOUS. I'm glad that he saw the HUMOR in it. Not sure who else knows....evidently teenage girls don't keep secrets very well......WHO KNEW??? Well anyway the rest of the day we went all over the city very cool stuff. We even visited ground zero. Something, of course, I had not done before because the last time I had been there was 2000 and the towers were still standing then. Roman was such a trooper....he was so miserable but didn't want to miss a thing. By the end of our touring he was feeling much better. At the end of our city tour we all met up at Rockefeller Center and went to the "Top of the Rock". 70 floors up to the top of Rockefeller Center to look out at the nightscape......SO AWESOME!!! Oh yea....there was a security check point there to....did I take the box cutter out of my purse you ask????? Uhhhhh.....NOT ME. Who would have thought I would have to do that again??? Good thing this time they weren't really looking and didn't care. Very cool. So.... that was my trip. We had alot of fun. I think next time we need to make a girls know....with my best GIRLfriends. SHOPPING ..... Chinatown ..... Chanel 20 dollars. Are you feeling up to the challenge?????

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Ok so, I'm going to New York City this weekend. Leaving Thursday afternoon to be a chaparone on my son's field trip. AM I NUTS ????? Helping to keep 100 teenagers in check ???? What ???? Good thing I've been to New York MANY times before.....atleast I have that going for me. AAAAAHHHHHHHH !!!! (ok got that out of the way) Now it's time for fun !!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Big Day

So today is a big day for our daughter. She turned 18 today. She's not making any big deal about it at all. I think I'm more energetic about it than she is at this point. It's so funny. She opened a checking account and got a debit card all her own today. Very comes the learning how to be responsible with her own money. She's done very well so far but a debit card/checking account is a whole new ball game.

On another note.....I start full time at my job on Monday 16th. I'm so excited. Even more exciting....they gave me another raise !!! WOOOHOOOO !!! I still feel, at this point, that my job is really not helping to much financially....but hopefully it will soon. God's gotta plan in here somewhere. I'm looking forward to watching it all unfold !!

Wow...I needed the sunshine today !! Now they say snow over the weekend???? Geeeezzzzz

Monday, April 9, 2007

Random Thoughts

Ok....been thinking alot about my life lately. I'm in shock a bit I think. Our daughter turns 18 on Friday. I don't feel old enough to have an 18 year old daughter. Am I supposed to be feeling older???? I turn 40 this June. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH !!! I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. Otherthan, it's just another birthday???? Or maybe I'm trying not to think about that one right now. Can you say DENIAL ???? Who knows.....Oh yea, one more thing......BRING ON THE SUNSHINE AND HEAT WHAT IS UP WITH ALL THE COLD AND SNOW ???? (welcome to Ohio)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Well ??

Have you ever had one of those days???


I'm so grateful to God for his unconditional love !! I have been really praying for God to take complete control of every little thing in my life. Sometimes I think that I can handle my emotions etc......then I come to the end of myself and realize that God has had, and will always have complete control over EVERYTHING. Why do I try to take care of life by myself ??? Anyway with that said....I will always be a work in progress. So, I strive on to meet with my God every morning before I even start my day so that I have my perspective in the right place at the start. So....THANK YOU FATHER FOR YOUR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE !!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Luke 8:16b...."A lamp is placed on a stand, where it's light can be seen by all who enter the house.

So....this is the kind of life I strive to live. One that is a light in a darkened world. Yesterday I was told that several people see me as a "breathe of fresh air" at work. I took that as a pretty good compliment. I strive to be that way everyday. Too many times while I'm at work I see faces of dispair, troubled, no hope and full of emptiness. You know those faces....the ones that are not enjoying life. They just exsist. They don't understand that their exsistance is for something so much more than they have right now. They exsist to bring honor and glory to God and they have no idea. I'm not talking about just the customers that come into the dealership but also the employees. Some of them seem so miserable. So....without their knowledge I walk around as I see them this way and pray silently, while working, for each one. I know that right now that's all I'm capable of doing and just to be that "breathe of fresh air" until God presents a time when I can speak to them. I try to load myself up every morning with God's word and pray earnestly before I head out to be a light. I usually end up so excited to go that I'm sure I go in with this strange look on my face and my co-workers are probably like....."how can someone be so happy/smiling all the time??" "She is so weird." But, aren't we called to be a peculiar people?? Then they would say to that...."is that what you call it??" LOL

So anyway I hope I haven't rambled to much for ya....

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Wow I gotta brag a bit.....I HAVE THE BEST FRIENDS EVER !!! It's been way to long since we've gotten together for coffee in the mornings. It was so much fun to get caught up and let the kids play together. God reminded me yesterday of how important friends are just to help you get through life. They are always such an encouragement and great sounding boards to me. ANYWAY, that's all I gotta say for now. Gotta go get ready for work.....gotta be there by noon. Wonder what God is gonna show me today ...... I love life !!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Decyfer Down

If you don't have this CD yet....YOU GOT TO GET IT !!!! AMAZING

Wow Moments

I've been having alot of WOW moments lately !! God has been working so hard on my heart lately. This One Year Bible that I've been going through and the "Every Woman's Battle" book I've been reading are so FANTASTIC !! I've established a new habit that I am enjoying.....after reading both.....I've decided to write down a scripture verse and carry it in my pocket.....everyday. Sometimes I end up keeping the same verse for the week. Other times I change it daily.....just depends on if God is still planting that verse on my heart or not. It helps during the day to be able to pull that out while working over at Adventure. Somedays the worldy enviornment gets a little hard for me. This morning I had to sit through a State Mandated Meeting about drug/alcohol screenings. While listening to this woman talk on how drug screening is done......something I've already been through zillions of times......I caught myself remembering what it was like to be in the middle of those drug/alcohol abusive years of my life. Also what it felt like going through the withdrawal periods. I sat there AMAZED all over again at God's goodness, faithfullness and unconditional love for me. I sat there fighting back tears because I was afraid that someone would see me crying. One of these days I know that God will work in the hearts of my fellow employees. I think that is SO VERY COOL !! I look forward to watching and being a part of what God has planned there.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Cast Iron Butt

Ok these 9-7 days are killing me. Answering the phone all day....sitting on that stool at the receptionist they think I have a CAST IRON BUTT ??? Shoot !!! It's not a hard job, don't get me wrong. It does get a little crazy when all the phone lines light up, but it's not hard. I just can't sit still that long. I'm a mover and a shaker......GEEEEZZZZZ !!! Maybe I should be doing some butt exercises??? Buns of steel maybe ??? Who knows....

Monday, March 19, 2007


Ok life is CRAZY right now. With our receptionist quitting at work. I'm picking up all these extra hours and training the new girl on top of that. So, I'm feeling like I should just take a sleeping bag to work and curl up for a quick nap at work and wake up and do it all over again. WOW !! I'm ok with it for now. I'm more concerned about if my family is ok with it. So if you are reading this, please send up a prayer for my family. That God will strengthen them while I'm away at work and that they won't miss me while I'm away. Cj stayed home from school today. He's pretty sick. Everyone else is healthy. God's been really speaking to me and meeting me in some very cool places in my heart right now. So I'm pretty excited.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


WE LOVE BEING A WORSHIP LEADERS !!!!!! I was talking to Doug the whole way home today about it. There's nothing like it !! So, God met me in very powerful ways today. I'm looking forward to what He has next !! I love being around my friends. They are such GREAT encouragements to me. Sometimes we don't even have to speak and the presence of that friendship is enough ! THAT IS SO ENTIRELY COOL !! So what's up for tomorrow??? Can't wait to find out !!

P.S. Oh yea, Charlotte Russe ..... got a pair of shoes for 4.99 HAAAAA !! Love that store. Next time I go alone though, my sons hate shopping. LOL

Friday, March 16, 2007

Day Off

So. I'm not very good at keeping up with this blogging stuff. I actually had a day off today, and yes I spent it running errands etc. so it really is NEVER a day off for me. I usually need a day off from my day off. I've tried to get SOME house cleaning done. I have been reading this book that I mentioned previously and WOW so far it's really hitting home for me. My prayer is to become closer to Doug without any distractions. So it's helping me see the signs that could direct me away. Anyway, I've been working alot lately 33-40 hours a week. I'm really going to be working this next week because our full-time receptionist just up and quit today with no prior notice. So guess who will be manning the phones most of this week???....yours truly. Yesterday I covered her day off so I was on the phone from 9am - 6pm last night. I noticed all of her things were gone but was told that she was just bringing in new stuff to replace them. So, I went in today to pick up my check and was told that she came in for the morning, left for lunch and said she would not be back. NICE !! So the dealership was full of drama today. My manager was pretty emotional today as well....along with Carrie quitting some of the other girls were doing some major complaining and whining around. I cannot even imagine what it's like to try to keep 10 girls happy all the time. I'm kind of glad that I wasn't there for all of it. But, I am MAJORLY praying for her. I've never seen her emotional over work before. She was crying before I got there but, as soon as she saw me she let loose again. Maybe she knew I would sympathize?? She and I talk alot and she confides in me alot as well. Pray for her when you get a chance. She's not a believer in Christ like I am so I truly don't know where she finds hope to continue doing what she's doing. Ok so other than day was pretty uneventfull. I'm hoping to do some shopping and eating in Canton tonight !!! WOOOOHOOOOO !! CHARLOTTE RUSSE HERE I COME !!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Ok, so......I need some prayer today. Doug has been so stressed out lately that I thought he was having a nervous breakdown Sunday night. He seems to be doing better. But, I haven't really gotten to spend anytime with him lately to be able to tell for sure. On another note.....I've been reading through a one year bible which has been great. I also bought a new book "every woman's battle". It's what I really need to read right now I think. I need to guard my heart from all the worldly pulls that Satan is using against me. I'm having a rough time. Some days are better than others. Today is a great day. God is so faithful !!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Want the skinny??? Here it go.....

So, I'm gonna start this blog. Not sure when I'm gonna find time to type anything in here. But, I'll give it a shot. Right now I've gotta take care of some kids. 4 of them to be be continued. Ok so here's the continue..... What do you want to know about me?? Lots to tell. Born and raised in a very small town here in Ohio. Raised by christian parents. So I've always known of Christ' love for me. But, I haven't always lived like it until later in life. I'm a former fashion/commercial model and a recovering alchoholic and drug addict. I've been clean for 11 years now. Everyday I look forward to waking up and being with my family and spending time with God. I enjoy my prayer time. Somedays it's a little less than I would like it to be, because I need it so very much. I want to make a difference in other peoples lives. I want to bring excitement, entertainment, love, compassion and hope to this lost world through whatever God chooses to do through me. I pray for an intoxicating personality daily. Meaning, I pray that I become more like Jesus everyday of my life. I think Jesus was an intoxicating personality. People would travel for days just to see Him and to hear what He had to say. (not that I want people traveling for days to come see me....LOL) But, you get the picture. Anywhooo....I want to be a difference maker to anyone I come in contact with. But, especially my family whom I love beyond what any words could ever express. So, look out world here I come. And Jesus is coming with me.