Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Work in Progress

God is continually at work in my heart on many issues. I'm constantly amazed with the things that He's been bringing to light for me. I've really been praying lately that God brings up any un repentent sin or any issues that could fester and turn into building blocks .... you know those blocks that stack themselves up until there's a wall between you and God .... the wall that you sometimes try to yell over to get His attention?? How can I expect God to see me through a BIG BRICK WALL that I have built with MY hands?? Well you see .... I don't want that in between God and I. I never want to even have one block on the ground that I could possibly kick around. Does this make any sense to anyone?? One block is too much !! I want to be a work in progress. I never ever want to think that "I have arrived". I want God to continue to teach me, try me and through all of that strengthen me. I want Him to fill me with His wisdom and understanding so much that when other's look at me there will never be any mistake .... I am HIS child. I want to live my life as a princess of the King !! I once told my best friends that "I want to be an INTOXICATING christian".... (not an intoxicated christian ha,ha,ha) A christian that other's are drawn to because of Jesus in me. One that non-believers are drawn to and have no idea why they are drawn .... so that God can use my experiences to show them .... it's not me that they are drawn to .... it Christ in me that they need. INTOXICATING HOPE, FAITH AND LOVE THAT ONLY GOD CAN GIVE !!!


Tina said...

I love your goals, Rita, they are good ones. And the fact that you continually strive for them encourages me. I love you my friend and you are not just a work in progress, but a beautiful creation in the Potter's hands.

Tina said...

Praise God, He's always working on us!

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