Tuesday, September 16, 2008


"Criticism can consume our lives to the point of emotional paralysis, or we can set our hearts to serve God faithfully undeterred by that criticism and put our God on display. When we do that, we won’t need to answer our critics with words—our lives will say all that is needed. " — Bill Crowder

Wow....I think I needed to hear this today. Not that I'm facing any criticism in my life right at this moment, but this put it all in perspective for me today. My prayer is that I commit everything that I do to God......every word, every thought, and every action. So that He gets all the honor and all the glory.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Find Myself

Ok...so...I find myself today in such a better mood than as of late. Not that I've been in a bad mood, just been kind of feeling like I've been floating through life kinda humdrum. Make sense?? Anyway, I read in my devotions today and I'm amazed at the unconditional love of God. Time after time, after time, the Israelites continue to do wrong and God continued to lift them up, dust them off and allow them to try again. Somedays, I feel like that.....like I need picked up, dusted off, clean up my bumps, bruises and scrapes, and then put back up on my feet to try again. So, I find myself AMAZED that God would love someone that He has to constantly pick up. Someone that continues to mess up. Wouldn't you think that He would get tired of doing this and at one point and say..."ok that's enough, I'm not picking you up anymore....you're to much of a hassle." Not a chance. He's SO MUCH BIGGER THAN THAT !! He's a God of a BAZILLION chances. All that He asks is that you love and worship only Him. IT'S COMPLETELY AMAZING !! That is what I strive to do daily.....love and worship only HIM. Whether it is through listening to music on the way to work or whether it's through all my daily duties. Sitting here at work at my desk, meeting the people on the phone and coming through the door. I try to be Jesus to everyone I meet. God never promised it would be easy. He just promises to be there to pick you up when ever you fall. NEVER TO LEAVE YOU.....ALWAYS BY MY SIDE !!. So, thank you Father for picking me up.....for giving musicians words that speak to me on my way to work or wherever while in my car.

My prayer has always and will continue to be......"May YOU increase and I decrease". May others see Jesus when they see me......and not ME.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Losing Sleep

I found myself losing sleep last night and I have no idea why. As I laid there awake, I thought...."Ok Father, what do you want to tell me?" I love times like this. Although, most times I find my mind very wonderous. Going from one situation to another and so on. Does this make sense?? Everything is fine with us here at home although, I want a deeper relationship with Christ and I'm trying very hard to make time for that. Our children are growing and doing well in school and spiritually. I know that they need to deepen their relationships with Christ as well, which I pray for daily. Doug is content with his job which is really COOL. We've waited so long for a job that he could be happy with. So, I'm still at a loss for why the loss of sleep.

I miss my friends that I used to be able to bounce my life's situations off of, and I find myself hurting for one of my best friends and her life's situation right now. I long for her to be able to heal and to be spiritually whole right now. So, that's what I used my sleeplessness for, to pray for my friends that I miss so much.

Sooooo......On a totally different subject......I find myself so frustrated with a couple of fellow employees, both of which were in a one year relationship together. Anyway, I'm frustrated because the gentleman that works here has all but decided that he in no way can work in an enviornment that his ex-girlfriend works in, and the ex-girlfriend has decided she is not leaving her job for anyone. Now with that being said.....this is his full-time job and he has a 4 year old little girl that he must support. The woman that works here is a full time TEACHER and has a dog, she only works here on SATURDAYS. Now I find myself in the middle of these two because for whatever reason they have both decided that I am their counselor!! I'm am wanting this guy to GROW UP and STAND UP for his daughter's well being, and I would love for this woman to GROW UP as well. It's to the point that it's affecting everyone here at work. The management seems to think that they cannot do without the woman, when the guy makes this place SO MUCH MONEY. So what's up with this???

Doug and I are trying to counsel the guy, because he is a "new believer".....trying to explain to a new believer that God's strength is only given one day at a time is very hard. (I don't even have this one down yet....some days I do) I have resolved myself to PRAYER alone.....NO MORE ADVICE to give. Prayer alone does so much and I need to step out of the way and let God do what He does best !! This trying to be Jesus to a dying world is hard work and draining sometimes. Wow.

SO MUCH RAMBLING......My apologies for my mind being in so many different directions.

Much love

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Oh my goodness....

It has been so long since I posted anything. Life is to busy. We've been through so much in the last 3 months that I don't even know where to begin. God has been so good to us. He has provided 2 vehicles to replace one that was pretty worn out (blazer) and one that was hit and totaled by the insurance company. I'll have to give all the detailed stories later ..... (I'm sitting at my desk at work and don't have the time). Anyway, Doug is enjoying his new job IMMENSELY....Roman is in summer school making up an English credit. Syrena is still working at The Daily Grind but has applied at Union Hospital. CJ and Manny are enjoying the summer playing outside and inside when it's raining. Paintballing is huge with our boys right now. Roman has a friend whose family owns 76-78 acres .... so they hold paintball wars there almost every night it seems. ..... g2g for now.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Work in Progress

God is continually at work in my heart on many issues. I'm constantly amazed with the things that He's been bringing to light for me. I've really been praying lately that God brings up any un repentent sin or any issues that could fester and turn into building blocks .... you know those blocks that stack themselves up until there's a wall between you and God .... the wall that you sometimes try to yell over to get His attention?? How can I expect God to see me through a BIG BRICK WALL that I have built with MY hands?? Well you see .... I don't want that in between God and I. I never want to even have one block on the ground that I could possibly kick around. Does this make any sense to anyone?? One block is too much !! I want to be a work in progress. I never ever want to think that "I have arrived". I want God to continue to teach me, try me and through all of that strengthen me. I want Him to fill me with His wisdom and understanding so much that when other's look at me there will never be any mistake .... I am HIS child. I want to live my life as a princess of the King !! I once told my best friends that "I want to be an INTOXICATING christian".... (not an intoxicated christian ha,ha,ha) A christian that other's are drawn to because of Jesus in me. One that non-believers are drawn to and have no idea why they are drawn .... so that God can use my experiences to show them .... it's not me that they are drawn to .... it Christ in me that they need. INTOXICATING HOPE, FAITH AND LOVE THAT ONLY GOD CAN GIVE !!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Pit

Ok so I've been reading this book "Get out of the Pit" by Beth Moore. Gotta tell you it's an AMAZING book. It's helping me so much !!

Also, I unloaded yesterday. Meaning I unloaded so much baggage yesterday at church. Gave it all to The One who is in control anyway. Why do I continue trying to do things myself thinking I can do a better job???? NO MORE !!! I feel so free today......THANK YOU LORD.

Pray for me on this journey of NO MORE BAGGAGE !!!

Love you all so much !!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Guitar Hero 3

Ok so if you haven't played the video game Guitar Hero you don't know what you're missing. If you don't have it your welcome to come here and play !! I've had so much fun over the last few days of due to holidays.....just playing this game with our sons and daughter. Even Manny rocks and can KICK MY BUTT !!! It's hilarious !! Hope you all are doing well. Love you all so much !!