Ok so let me say.....I've been reading my one year bible everyday.....I'm in the middle of the "Kings". All I have to say is....are there any kings out there that have ever done anything other than "what is evil in God's sight" ????? OH MY GOOOOOODNESSSSS. I'm amazed at how many times the bible has recorded and it says that king so and so did what was evil in God's sight. He gave them chance after chance after chance and they still got it all wrong. So at this point I'm looking at life (my life) and saying "what would God say about me" ? If someone was recording what happened in my life for others to read THOUSANDS of years later, what would it say?? HOW CONVICTING IS THAT?!?! WOW !!! I've got alot of work to do !! Anyone else out there that can relate???? So that's where I'm at right now....how about you???