Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Luke 8:16b...."A lamp is placed on a stand, where it's light can be seen by all who enter the house.

So....this is the kind of life I strive to live. One that is a light in a darkened world. Yesterday I was told that several people see me as a "breathe of fresh air" at work. I took that as a pretty good compliment. I strive to be that way everyday. Too many times while I'm at work I see faces of dispair, troubled, no hope and full of emptiness. You know those faces....the ones that are not enjoying life. They just exsist. They don't understand that their exsistance is for something so much more than they have right now. They exsist to bring honor and glory to God and they have no idea. I'm not talking about just the customers that come into the dealership but also the employees. Some of them seem so miserable. So....without their knowledge I walk around as I see them this way and pray silently, while working, for each one. I know that right now that's all I'm capable of doing and just to be that "breathe of fresh air" until God presents a time when I can speak to them. I try to load myself up every morning with God's word and pray earnestly before I head out to be a light. I usually end up so excited to go that I'm sure I go in with this strange look on my face and my co-workers are probably like....."how can someone be so happy/smiling all the time??" "She is so weird." But, aren't we called to be a peculiar people?? Then they would say to that...."is that what you call it??" LOL

So anyway I hope I haven't rambled to much for ya....

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Wow I gotta brag a bit.....I HAVE THE BEST FRIENDS EVER !!! It's been way to long since we've gotten together for coffee in the mornings. It was so much fun to get caught up and let the kids play together. God reminded me yesterday of how important friends are just to help you get through life. They are always such an encouragement and great sounding boards to me. ANYWAY, that's all I gotta say for now. Gotta go get ready for work.....gotta be there by noon. Wonder what God is gonna show me today ...... I love life !!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Decyfer Down

If you don't have this CD yet....YOU GOT TO GET IT !!!! AMAZING

Wow Moments

I've been having alot of WOW moments lately !! God has been working so hard on my heart lately. This One Year Bible that I've been going through and the "Every Woman's Battle" book I've been reading are so FANTASTIC !! I've established a new habit that I am enjoying.....after reading both.....I've decided to write down a scripture verse and carry it in my pocket.....everyday. Sometimes I end up keeping the same verse for the week. Other times I change it daily.....just depends on if God is still planting that verse on my heart or not. It helps during the day to be able to pull that out while working over at Adventure. Somedays the worldy enviornment gets a little hard for me. This morning I had to sit through a State Mandated Meeting about drug/alcohol screenings. While listening to this woman talk on how drug screening is done......something I've already been through zillions of times......I caught myself remembering what it was like to be in the middle of those drug/alcohol abusive years of my life. Also what it felt like going through the withdrawal periods. I sat there AMAZED all over again at God's goodness, faithfullness and unconditional love for me. I sat there fighting back tears because I was afraid that someone would see me crying. One of these days I know that God will work in the hearts of my fellow employees. I think that is SO VERY COOL !! I look forward to watching and being a part of what God has planned there.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Cast Iron Butt

Ok these 9-7 days are killing me. Answering the phone all day....sitting on that stool at the receptionist they think I have a CAST IRON BUTT ??? Shoot !!! It's not a hard job, don't get me wrong. It does get a little crazy when all the phone lines light up, but it's not hard. I just can't sit still that long. I'm a mover and a shaker......GEEEEZZZZZ !!! Maybe I should be doing some butt exercises??? Buns of steel maybe ??? Who knows....

Monday, March 19, 2007


Ok life is CRAZY right now. With our receptionist quitting at work. I'm picking up all these extra hours and training the new girl on top of that. So, I'm feeling like I should just take a sleeping bag to work and curl up for a quick nap at work and wake up and do it all over again. WOW !! I'm ok with it for now. I'm more concerned about if my family is ok with it. So if you are reading this, please send up a prayer for my family. That God will strengthen them while I'm away at work and that they won't miss me while I'm away. Cj stayed home from school today. He's pretty sick. Everyone else is healthy. God's been really speaking to me and meeting me in some very cool places in my heart right now. So I'm pretty excited.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


WE LOVE BEING A WORSHIP LEADERS !!!!!! I was talking to Doug the whole way home today about it. There's nothing like it !! So, God met me in very powerful ways today. I'm looking forward to what He has next !! I love being around my friends. They are such GREAT encouragements to me. Sometimes we don't even have to speak and the presence of that friendship is enough ! THAT IS SO ENTIRELY COOL !! So what's up for tomorrow??? Can't wait to find out !!

P.S. Oh yea, Charlotte Russe ..... got a pair of shoes for 4.99 HAAAAA !! Love that store. Next time I go alone though, my sons hate shopping. LOL

Friday, March 16, 2007

Day Off

So. I'm not very good at keeping up with this blogging stuff. I actually had a day off today, and yes I spent it running errands etc. so it really is NEVER a day off for me. I usually need a day off from my day off. I've tried to get SOME house cleaning done. I have been reading this book that I mentioned previously and WOW so far it's really hitting home for me. My prayer is to become closer to Doug without any distractions. So it's helping me see the signs that could direct me away. Anyway, I've been working alot lately 33-40 hours a week. I'm really going to be working this next week because our full-time receptionist just up and quit today with no prior notice. So guess who will be manning the phones most of this week???....yours truly. Yesterday I covered her day off so I was on the phone from 9am - 6pm last night. I noticed all of her things were gone but was told that she was just bringing in new stuff to replace them. So, I went in today to pick up my check and was told that she came in for the morning, left for lunch and said she would not be back. NICE !! So the dealership was full of drama today. My manager was pretty emotional today as well....along with Carrie quitting some of the other girls were doing some major complaining and whining around. I cannot even imagine what it's like to try to keep 10 girls happy all the time. I'm kind of glad that I wasn't there for all of it. But, I am MAJORLY praying for her. I've never seen her emotional over work before. She was crying before I got there but, as soon as she saw me she let loose again. Maybe she knew I would sympathize?? She and I talk alot and she confides in me alot as well. Pray for her when you get a chance. She's not a believer in Christ like I am so I truly don't know where she finds hope to continue doing what she's doing. Ok so other than day was pretty uneventfull. I'm hoping to do some shopping and eating in Canton tonight !!! WOOOOHOOOOO !! CHARLOTTE RUSSE HERE I COME !!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Ok, so......I need some prayer today. Doug has been so stressed out lately that I thought he was having a nervous breakdown Sunday night. He seems to be doing better. But, I haven't really gotten to spend anytime with him lately to be able to tell for sure. On another note.....I've been reading through a one year bible which has been great. I also bought a new book "every woman's battle". It's what I really need to read right now I think. I need to guard my heart from all the worldly pulls that Satan is using against me. I'm having a rough time. Some days are better than others. Today is a great day. God is so faithful !!